The e-Tailing in Malaysia such as the Malayan Banking Berhad (Maybank) was the first local bank in Malaysia that introduce online banking. It has 3.6 million registered users of which 830,000 were active user. It also offered the online stock trading at its Maybank2U internet portal. This online trading portal was launched in 2000 has about 10,000 users. Customer who invest through can save up to 63% on their trading fees which enable them to breakeven their investment faster.
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Jun 30, 2009
The e-Tailing in Malaysia such as the Malayan Banking Berhad (Maybank) was the first local bank in Malaysia that introduce online banking. It has 3.6 million registered users of which 830,000 were active user. It also offered the online stock trading at its Maybank2U internet portal. This online trading portal was launched in 2000 has about 10,000 users. Customer who invest through can save up to 63% on their trading fees which enable them to breakeven their investment faster.
Credit Card Debt: The Causes and Prevention
2) Unexpected unemployment and salary deduction: Due to the economy crisis and financial hit that happend around the world, many people are unemployed due to organizational downsizing. Moreover,some of the company have to deduct the employees salary to decrase the organization expenses. Households are forced to use the credit card for groceries, utilities and other expenses purpose to maintain their current lifestyle and some of them can't find the job in short period. Thus, this may cause rise in debt.
Ways to Prevent Credit Card Debt:
1) Have a saving plan: This is key to help you to protect yourself from getting into debt. It is important to set a certain amount each month into a saving account. It can just be for general savings or you could set a goal to save up for a big purchase. Saving with a goal in mind motivates many people to stick to their saving plan. Then, at the end you will be able to purchase the desired object without going into debt.
2) Making a budget: You have to create a clear budget and stick on it that includes monthly bills, foods, clothes, entertainment and miscellaneous expenses will prevent from overspending and fall under deeper debt load.
Jun 27, 2009
How to safeguard our personal and financial data
Ways to Safeguard our Personal and Financial Data:
1.Always using antivirus and antispyware software to protect your computer system-The users can using the antivirus software such as AVG and Avira antivirus software to scan and prevent,detect and remove malware, including Trojan horse,worm and virus
2.Create strong passwords- Do not create passwords that are weak or easy to guess such as your birthday or handphone numbers as passwords. You can create password that contain 12 characters that is hard to guess.
3.Do not disclose or reveal any personal or financial data to anyone- Avoid logging to your financial account in the public place such as Internet Cafe of coffeeshop that offer wireless because maybe the firewall do not strong enough.
4.Encrypt your important and sensitive files- Encryption is a process of scrambling a message or file in a way that difficuly for the unauthorized person to unscramble or read it.
5.Avoid open unknown or mystery files- Never open an attachment or click on a link that sent to us by unknown party. These attachments can contain virus that harmful to your computer system.
Jun 26, 2009
A review on a post on Internet Security from My E-Commerce blog
According to "My E-Commerce" Blog, the post of favourite password used online research done by Information Week on an analysis of 28,000 passwords from a popular website:
- 16% uses name (yes, your own name, spouse or children)
- 14% likes "1234" or "12345678" (easy and nice)
- 4% uses "password" or "password1" (password = password)
Some other common passwords includes:
- qwerty (English keyboard letters below the numeric keys)
- hannah, pokemon, matrix, ironman (popular tv show stars)
- iloveyou, ihateyou
- Combine letters, symbols, and numbers that are easy for you to remember and hard for someone else to guess.
- Create pronounceable passwords (even if they are not words) that are easier to remember, reducing the temptation to write down your password.
- Try out using the initial letters of a phrase you love, especially if a number or special character is included.
- Take two familiar things, and then wrap them around a number or special character. Alternatively, change the spelling to include a special character. In this manner, you get one unfamiliar thing (which makes a good password because it is easy for you and you alone to remember, but hard for anyone else to discover).
"Phone + 4 + you" = "Phone4you" or "Fone4y0u"
"cat + * + Mouse" = "cat*Mouse" or "cat*Mou$e"
- Don't use personal information such as derivatives of your user ID, names of family members, maiden names, cars, license tags, telephone numbers, pets, birthdays, social security numbers, addresses, or hobbies.
- Don't use any word in any language spelled forward or backward.
- Don't tie passwords to the month, for example, don't use "Mayday" in May.
- Don't create new passwords that are substantially similar to ones you've previously used.
The threat of online security: How safe is our data?
Nontechnical attack is an attack that uses chicanery to trick people into revealing sensitive information or performing action that compromise the security of a network. Example of nontechnical attacks are pretexting, social engineering.
Social engineering that uses some ruse to trick users into revealing information or performing an action that compromises a computer or network. For example, they will persuade employee to get passwords to access the company internal information.
At a high level, social engineering attacks are Web 2.o. As more users take adventage of Web 2.0 application like social networking sites, blogs, wikis, and other crinimals are going to exploit them.
Phisihing is a broadly launched social engineering attack in which an electronic identity is misrepresented is an attempt to trick individuals into revealing credentials.
Prevention of social engineering
In order to stop social engineering attacks is depends on the victims. Certain positions within an organisation are clearly vulnerable , such as those has private access and confidential information. The company can provide training that all users should learn how to avoid becoming a victim of manipulation. Other ways to prevent is to develop specific policies and procedures.
- Education and training
- Policies and procedures
- Penetration testing
Technical Attacks- An attack perpetrated using software and sysem knowledge or expertise.
1. Denial of service ( DOS) attacks
--- attacker gains illegal administrative access to as many computer on the internet as possible and uses these multiple computer to send a flood of data packets to the target computer.
2. Virus
-- A piece of software cade that inserts itself into a host, including the operating system, to propagate, it requires that its host program be run to activate it.
3. Worm
--A computer worm is a self-replicating computer program. It uses a network to send copies of itself to other nodes (computers on the network) and it may do so without any user intervention. Worms almost always cause at least some harm to the network, if only by consuming bandwidth, whereas viruses almost always corrupt or devour files on a targeted computer.
4. Trojan horse
--A Trojan horse, or trojan for short, is a term used to describe malware that appears, to the user, to perform a desirable function but, in fact, facilitates unauthorized access to the user's computer system.
How computer viruses work
Jun 25, 2009
Phishing: Examples and its prevention methods
Phishing is act of sending an e-mail to a user falsely claiming to be an established legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the user into surrendering private information that will be used for identity theft. The e-mail directs the user to visit a Web site where they are asked to update personal information, such as passwords and credit card, social security, and bank account numbers, that the legitimate organization already has. The Web site, however, is bogus and set up only to steal the user’s information.
One example would be if you received an e-mail that appears to be from your bank requesting you click a hyperlink in the e-mail and verify your online banking information. Usually there will be a repercussion stated in the e-mail for not following the link, such as "your account will be closed or suspended". The goal of the sender is for you to disclose personal and (or) account related information. This type of e-mail scam is also called Phishing.
How to Spot A PHISHING Scam ?
Phishing e-mails will contain some of these common elements: (view screen capture above from Eudora)
1. The "From Field" appears to be from the legitimate company mentioned in the e-mail. It is important to note, however, that it is very simple to change the "from" information in any e-mail client. While we're not going to tell you how, rest assured it can be done in a matter of seconds!
2. The e-mail will usually contain logos or images that have been taken from the Web site of the company mentioned in the scam e-mail.
3. The e-mail will contain a clickable link with text suggesting you use the inserted link to validate your information. In the image you will see that once the hyperlink is highlighted, the bottom left of the screen shows the real Web site address to which you will go. Note that the hyperlink does NOT point to the legitimate Citibank Web site URL.
In this instance, the text you click is "here", However, this may also state something like "Log-in to Citibank" or "" to be even more misleading. This clickable area is only text and can be changed to anything the sender wants it to read.
Additionally, you may spot some of these elements that did not appear in this particular scam:
Logos that are not an exact match to the company's logo, spelling errors, percentage signs followed by numbers or @ signs within the hyperlink, random names or e-mail addresses in the body of the text, or even e-mail headers which have nothing to do with the company mentioned in the e-mail.
Example of PHISHING
An example of a phishing e-mail, disguised as an official e-mail from a (fictional) bank. The sender is attempting to trick the recipient into revealing confidential information by "confirming" it at the phisher's website. Note the misspelling of the words received and discrepancy. Such mistakes are common in most phishing emails. Also note that although the URL of the bank's webpage appears to be true, it actually links to a phisher's webpage
The golden rule to avoid being phished is to never ever click the links within the text of the e-mail. Always delete the e-mail immediately. Once you have deleted the e-mail then empty the trash box in your e-mail client as well. This will prevent "accidental" clicks from happening as well. If, for some really odd reason you have this nagging feeling that this could just possibly be a legitimate e-mail and nothing can convince you otherwise, you still need to adhere to the golden rule and not click the link in the message. For those truly worried that an account may be in jeopardy if you do not verify your information, you need to open your Web browser program of choice and type the URL to the Web site in the address field of your browser and log on to the Web site as you normally would (without going through the e-mail link as a quick route). This will provide you with accurate information about your account and allow you to completely avoid the possibility of landing on a spoof Web site and giving your information to someone you shouldn't.
The Application of 3rd Party Certification Programme In Malaysia
Jun 19, 2009
The history and evolution of E- Commerce
What is E-commerce?
E-commerce(EC) is the process of buying , selling , transfering , or exchange product, services, information via computer networks, including the internet.
The Evolution of E-Commerce
E-Commerce were first developed in the early 1970s with innovations like:
Electronic funds transfer (EFT) - funds can be routed electronically from one organization to another.
Electronic data interchange (EDI) – used to electronically transfer routine documents, which expanded electronic transfers from financial transactions to other types of transaction processing.
Interorganizational system (IOS) – a system which allows the flow of information to be automated between organizations in order to reach a desired supply-chain management system, which enables the development of competitive organisations.
Evolution event of EC
EDI, or electronic data interchange, was standardized through ASC X12. This guaranteed that companies would be able to complete transactions with one another reliably.
Compuserve offers online retail products to its customers. This gives people the first chance to buy things off their computer.
Netscape arrived. Providing users a simple browser to surf the Internet and a safe online transaction technology called Secure Sockets Layer.
Two of the biggest names in e-commerce are launched: and
DSL, or Digital Subscriber Line, provides fast, always-on Internet service to subscribers across California. This prompts people to spend more time, and money, online.
Retail spending over the Internet reaches $20 billion, according to
The U.S government extended the moratorium on Internet taxes until at least 2005.
Web 2.0 was coined by O'Reilly Media to a supposed second generation of Internet based services that let people to collaborate and share information online in perceived new ways- such as social networking, wikis, communication tools and folksonomies.
Video : Evolution of E-commerce
An example of an E-commerce failure
Real world case: Google is changing everything
Jun 18, 2009
An example of an E-Commerce success and its causes
Jeffrey Preston Bezos (born January 12, 1964) - the American founder, president, chief executive officer and chairman of the board of has a leading edge in the e-commerce world. It has a strong customer base, name recognition, quality assurance, and immense inventory. The ease of use over the Internet has been an important facet Amazon has focused on; more specifically their "1-Click" feature of their web-design allows quick and easy use of their services.
What are the critical success factors of
Differentiation is more than just a bookstore. It delivers author interviews,
customer book reviews, pre-release information and out-of-print books by special order. Back office systems and cookies deliver personalized book recommendations to shoppers who have purchased books from A book recommendation agent tells the prospective buyer "Customers who bought this book also bought:". In all these cases information about the customer and information technology are being used to enhance the customer experience.
Price Differentiation
Amazon differentiates itself mainly on the basis of price and by making sure that it offers the same quality products as any other company with a noticeably lower price. In addition, sellers do not pay any fees for product listing and it cost nothing until the product is sold.
Personalizing Website
Amazon greets customers personally when they open the sites and gives them a choice of products that matches their personal preferences.
Identify and compare the revenue model for Google, and ebay
Google AdWords is a pay per click advertising program of Google designed to allow the advertisers to present advertisements to people at the instant the people are looking for information related to what the advertiser has to offer.
For example: also is one of the most successful e-commerce providers in which its revenue model are mostly generated from transaction fees, affiliate fees and subscription fees. Amazon started as an online bookstore, but soon diversified its product lines from DVD to food.
They also have to rate the product on a rating scale from one to five stars. Moreover, the users are allows to comment on reviews. The key successful of is online shopping. This is the example of homepage.
For eBay, is an online auction and shopping Web site in which people and businesses buy and sell goods and services worldwide. Ebay allow people to bid any time any where, this convenience has increase the number of bidders. It also owns PayPal, Skype, StubHub, and other business. Thus, it has various types of revenue models included advertising fees, affiliate fees and other revenue sources but it main revenue model is from online auction and online shopping.