Google AdWords is a pay per click advertising program of Google designed to allow the advertisers to present advertisements to people at the instant the people are looking for information related to what the advertiser has to offer.
For example:

They also have to rate the product on a rating scale from one to five stars. Moreover, the users are allows to comment on reviews. The key successful of Amazon.com is online shopping. This is the example of Amazon.com homepage.

For eBay, is an online auction and shopping Web site in which people and businesses buy and sell goods and services worldwide. Ebay allow people to bid any time any where, this convenience has increase the number of bidders. It also owns PayPal, Skype, StubHub, and other business. Thus, it has various types of revenue models included advertising fees, affiliate fees and other revenue sources but it main revenue model is from online auction and online shopping.

It will be nicer if the images are bigger..